Monday, July 13, 2020

Competencies For A Training & Development Manager

Competencies are basic skills employees need to perform their job duties and tasks. All are broad areas that can be improved through training, job experience and development. Training and development managers must also exhibit certain job competencies to perform their job functions, including basic knowledge of human resources, understanding of adult learning principles, time management and leadership skills.

Job Duties

Training and development managers work closely with human resources staff, management and executive leadership to implement adult learning and training at all levels within the organization. Their duties range from advising C-level executives on employee development trends to supervising training specialists and providing them with guidance on how to build facilitation skills. In addition, training and development managers conduct needs assessments to determine employee strengths as well as areas where training could be most beneficial.

Human Resources Knowledge

Since they mostly operate out of human resource departments, training and development managers must have a basic understanding of human resources strategy, principles and functions. Training managers should know how training and development supports the workplace, how training fits into the performance management system and the impact training has on performance measurements.

Industry Knowledge

Industry knowledge consists of understanding adult learning theory and techniques, employee development trends, technology-based training methods and best practices for encouraging employee participation in the development process. Training and development managers generally have been training specialists at some point during their careers and have been promoted as a result of their effectiveness, performance and industry knowledge.

Leadership Skills

Training and development managers supervise specialists either new to the field or who focus on just one or two areas of employee training. Consequently, leadership and time management skills are competencies managers must have to oversee their own staffs. In addition, the leadership skills they exhibit in doing so are also a requirement in implementing in-house training for other supervisors and managers. The same techniques that training and development managers pass on to workplace supervisors and managers are the same skills they use to manage and provide guidance to their own employees.

Functional Expertise

Verbal communication skills are at the foundation of functional expertise for training and development managers. The ability to facilitate focus group discussions, conduct classroom learning sessions, seminars and workshops are skills any training and development manager should have. Public speaking capabilities — sometimes referred to as platform skills — are an essential component of a training and development manager’s skills. They also must be able to develop these very skills in employees reporting to them.

About The Author

Ruth Mayhew has been writing since the mid-1980s, and she has been an HR subject matter expert since 1995. Her work appears in "The Multi-Generational Workforce in the Health Care Industry," and she has been cited in numerous publications, including journals and textbooks that focus on human resources management practices. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ruth resides in the nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

Thanks to Ruth Mayhew / Chron / SmallBusiness Chron

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