Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Wait Another Minute

Do you put off tasks that you don't want to do or don't like to do? Do you say 'I'll just do it tomorrow?' Procrastination, for one reason or another, happens to the best of us. There are ways to help alleviate it.

1) Plan your day according to your most productive time. Are you a morning person? Plan the most difficult or unpleasant activities during the morning when you are least likely to procrastinate and have the most energy. Or are you an afternoon person? Then do the most difficult or unpleasant activities after noon.

2) If you find you are putting off even beginning a project because you find it too overwhelming and intimidating, break the project down into smaller steps until they are manageable. Write the steps down and be specific by putting a date on each one as to when it will be completed. To remind ourselves of our goals, it is helpful to write reminders that can be posted in different places (i.e. mirror, refrigerator, front door). The more we remind ourselves of our goals, the more likely we will follow them.

3) Prevent distractions and interruptions from occurring. When you have something that needs to be done, turn off the cell phone. Do not answer the door. Turn off the television. Remove whatever it is that distracts you from doing the job at hand.

4) Eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. Exercising will help you to create more energy and you'll be less likely to procrastinate. Eat complex carbohydrates instead of simple sugars. This will provide a steady release of energy instead of a short boost. Getting a good night's sleep, at least 8 hours, will help you re-energize and you'll be able to maintain more energy during the day.

5) Get organized. Being disorganized causes chaos and is very distracting. When you are organized, you are better able to focus on a task instead of the clutter. While in the office, close the door and clean up the clutter on your desk. Have all the necessary equipment and supplies on hand before you begin your work.

6) Ask for someone's help to stop you from procrastinating. Ask this person to hold you accountable for the completion of a task you have been putting off.
) It is perfectly fine to make mistakes. If you demand perfection from yourself, you are probably going to put off beginning something until the perfect moment. Nothing is perfect, so it is not going to happen. The most important thing is to let go of perfection and start something. Realize that perfection is impossible to obtain. It is important to do your best, but you do not have to be perfect. Praise yourself for what you have accomplished.

8) Create a mental picture of the project you wish to complete. Maintain your focus on the end result as well as the process to get there. Keep in mind how good it is going to feel when you finish the project. Remember this feeling when you begin a new project.

9) Reward yourself when you have completed a boring or unpleasant task and even when you have achieved a small task on time. If you know a Starbucks coffee or other treat is waiting for you if you succeed, you will be more motivated to get the job done. The more positive reinforcement, the less likely you will procrastinate. Focus on what you have done rather than what is left to do. Do you feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm when you finish an important task? It is a good feeling, isn't it? On the flip side, consider penalizing yourself if you have not completed a task. For example, miss a television show if you do not complete a task on schedule. You will probably not want that to happen again and will strive to get the good feelings that come with completing a task.

10) Avoid overextending yourself. Evaluate your obligations and then prioritize them. Is there anything you can omit, delegate or move to a different time frame? Set realistic goals. As the saying goes, 'bite off only as much as you can chew.' Make a list each day of every task you need to complete in order of importance. Finish each task before starting the next task.

11) Make the task at hand as pleasurable as possible. When you are doing a task, ask yourself a question. Is there a fun way to do this job? Try to make a game out it. Be creative. Give yourself points or prizes as you do the task.

12) Plan for setbacks because they are bound to happen. Planning will prevent you from slowing down because of a setback. And finally, do not give up.
Thanks to Get Organized Now!