Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Wrong Way to Apply Time Management Techniques

A lot of men and women, upon finally gaining control of their daily schedules and inboxes, become something of "career commandos." That's fantastic, and the goal that many of us should aspire to… but it shouldn't be the only goal they aspire to.

As important as your daily work tasks are, if you find that your personal, family, or relaxation activities are always taking a backseat to work commitments, then it might be time to re-evaluate just what those commitments are and what you are really managing to accomplish.  You might just have to learn to say "No"  in order to manage your time with a reasonable balance.

What we are talking about pertains to time management, productivity, and goal setting, but on a deeper level than many are familiar with. That's because, at a certain point, none of these topics is really about how much you can do, but rather what you really want to accomplish, and why.

Where do you want to be in your personal and professional life 5 or 10 years from now? What things could you be doing more or less of that would help you reach that goal? And how many of the things that you're working on now fit into those categories?

These are important questions, but ones that most of us don't ask ourselves often enough. It's not that we ever make a conscious decision to put our hopes and dreams on the back burner, but that the day-to-day reality of managing our jobs, keeping up with personal commitments, and staying on top of the details that are always around can easily distract us until days turn into months, and eventually years.  It is one of the reasons Americans tend to suffer from vacation deprivation.

The world is full of men and women who wish they had done this, or tried that, but contrary to popular belief, it isn't only fear that holds them back – sometimes our bigger goals simply get lost in the "noise" of everyday life. Make sure that you are applying time management techniques in a way that makes you more efficient, but also more effective. Simply doing "more" without any sense of why isn't just the wrong way to apply time management; it's also a bad way to spend your life.

Thanks to Key Organization / Productivity Today

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