Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Increase Motivation And Enhance Moods By Interior Design

Photo by rogue-designs

The desire to achieve adequate security and practicality within one's living quarters while maximizing comfort is nothing new. Mankind's age-old attempts to convert homes into castles extends far into the remotest periods of time. Its pervasive presence is traceable from the primitive paintings displayed upon cave walls to the stylish contemporary furnishings and home interiors of today. Although seemingly superfluous at first blush, creating highly motivational interior areas is actually worthy of serious consideration and high placement as a personal priority for a number of very good reasons.

Motivational Interior Design Has Major Importance

Anyone who has ever experienced an extended mental "funk" or deep depression fully appreciates the importance of adequate motivational maintenance. In fact, motivation is the fundamental psychic force that ignites and fuels the fires of all human ambition and accomplishment. Absent its universal and ubiquitous presence in people's lives, civilization as we know it would undergo a certain and painful demise. Like prompt plugging of tiny trickles caused by pinhole openings in a leaky dam, nipping emotional negativity created by non-motivation in the bud is essential to long-term emotional health, economic solvency, and personal productivity.

Start the Search

An ancient Chinese proverb posits that "Even the journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step." Thus, simply beginning the task of interior re-design is a huge step forward, from desire to action!

Inspirational Interior Decorating Resources

The Internet is an ideal place to commence the quest for enhanced motivation via home interior innovation. A simple search engine query instantly yields an immense variety of motivational home interior themes and designs. It doesn't take one long to realize that there really is something for everyone in this particular case. Modern motivational interior designs exist to suit the needs of everyone from students who seek compact, spartan furnishings to accomplished professionals who want to wake up to brighter surroundings each morning. Your personal sense of style will undoubtedly work its way into the design type you ultimately settle on.

The Home Field Advantage

Like charity, motivation begins at home. Not only does your abode provide a source of shelter, but it also serves as your personal base of operations. It is the point of origin and destination to and from a day of honest, hard work. It is also the scene of many fond memories and profound inspirations. Following are the major components of a motivational interior decor:


The power of color to affect human emotion and cognition has been so concretely confirmed that it has become a standard tool of professional holistic healers. Strategic color integration has become a popular means of inciting motivational sparks that can emerge into full-blown inspirations.

Yellow surroundings have been scientifically proven to enhance brain activity and induce greater concentration and positive moods. Lemon yellow hues have been found to facilitate self-confidence and build motivation in addition to making folks feel "larger than life." Such beneficial effects stem from muscular energy production yielded by yellow colors. This makes them a terrific choice for both home-based and traditional business offices. Assigned to the array of "warmer" colors, magenta is widely regarded as an emotional equalizer. Whenever feelings run too deeply or at very superficial levels, magenta's notable properties help neutralize undue apathy and stress. When used sparingly, white is an excellent enhancer of individual strengths and promoter of virtue and purity. These results occur due to white's service as a subconscious reminder of outstanding obligations and ongoing responsibilities. However, when dealing with white, don't overdo it; the too-frequent absence of true color within interior areas can be emotionally debilitating – rather than mentally invigorating.

See Things in the Right Light

Mother Nature's effervescent source of energy and illumination – better known as the Sun – is a much better motivator than mere human inventions! Increased sunlight exposure has been conclusively linked with mood and attitude elevation, in addition to new idea stimulation. Harnessing this inexhaustible resource has huge positive impacts on personal productivity and individual motivation. Abundant flow of natural light within interior spaces also alters overall ambiance. This benefit accrues from sunlight's visual effect of bridging interior and exterior areas. Thus, in many cases the cure for whatever ails you could be no farther away than the nearest window.

Making Appropriate Internal Adjustments

All areas are not equally amenable to enhanced sunlight admittance. In such instances, brightened interior surfaces or skylight installation may be acceptable alternatives. Specialized paints and glosses can create reflective surfaces that keep light bouncing to and fro to brighten things up significantly. Stylish lamps, wall sconces and chandeliers can also fulfill this function in their own extravagant way.

Think Outside the Box

Perhaps the greatest example of prolific motivational enhancement via interior design is Google. Those who work within the gigantic search engine's offices may take brief breaks to play pool or ride bikes. This is because case studies have found that conventional office environments are not sufficiently conducive to employee creativity and productivity. Getting away from it all for a quick ping-pong game is a great way to gain a new outlook on immediate tasks at hand, plus it makes the workday a bit more enjoyable!

It's All in the Wrist

…And the back, and the eyes, and the arms and legs. Ergonomically designed desks, chairs, tables, keyboards, and other such components have high motivational value. Prolonged physical endurance preserves precious energy and mental acuity. Rather than feeling tired and worn out after a long day of work, ergonomically-designed interior furnishings help you feel gratified and satisfied with a job well done. Ergonomic interior furnishings also eliminate the familiar aches and pains associated with prolonged repose on rigid seats and beds. Begin awakening refreshed and relaxed by buying an ergonomically-correct computer station and mattress today. Not only will your days end on a much brighter note, but you'll be in a much better frame of mind to begin a new one.

This guest post is by Steve Shapiro. Having spent years in the interior design industry as the founder of the famed eRoomService modern furniture store, Steve has grown to appreciate the significant impact that design has on our daily lives. He lives with his family in the town of Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

Thanks to  Steve Shapiro / Simple Productivity Blog


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