Thursday, February 19, 2009

Relationship Is the Essence Of Leadership

The Essence Of Relationship Is Emotion. 
In effective organizations, most employees operate on a continuum somewhere between compliance and commitment.  Compliance can be enforced in a number of ways--rules, procedures, threats, and bribes, to name a few.  But compliance has serious limitations.  It is seldom associated with innovation, breakthrough or exceptional performance.
Commitment, on the other hand, knows virtually no bounds.  Most forms of organizational capacity, power, and competitive advantage are generated by commitment.  But commitment springs only from the heart.  It can't be coerced or legislated.  Commitment is an emotional response, a response that almost always results from a meaningful connection--a relationship.
Albert Einstein once said, "We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles but no personality. It cannot lead; it can only serve."
Regardless of your industry, it is the people who work for you who are your sustainable competitive advantage.  One of your crucial tasks as a leader is to create a climate conductive to an ever expanding web of connection between people throughout the organization.  You need to do everything possible to find, develop and keep those people who make your company competitive. 
No matter what business you're in, you are in the business of building leaders.  Rather than risk losing a key employee, invest in developing their skills for a future leadership role.  Doing so will keep the employee engaged, demonstrate your company's commitment to retaining and growing in-house talent and ultimately help your organization's bottom line.

By Coach John G. Agno
