Friday, September 30, 2011

A Powerfully Effective Sales Contest To Motivate Your Team

Sales incentive contents can be a positive force to help motivate your sales people to new levels of productivity and loyalty.  Alternatively, poorly constructed or inequitable sales challenges can result in anti-productive activity, resentment and rebellion.

Below is a powerful idea for sales incentive programs that you can alter to fit your organisation, that will inspire your team and boost your sales revenue!

Beat the Boss
This is an extremely effective sales challenge that will not only motivate, but will help solve many other sales management problems as well.  Have a week, or month in where the field sales manager, that immediate supervising coach; gets out in the field, on the telephone and in the trenches just as the rest of the sales crew…full time.  If needed, construct a method to assign a handicap to the manager or the team to level the playing field.

The sales manager competes directly with the sales team, who individually try to out-sell the manager.  Of course, the sales people who sell more than the manager does, wins a great prize.  However, no matter what the prize, it will never compare to the pride and bragging rights the sales person will gain and keep for life!

This also helps to ensure that first-level sales managers stay in touch with reality and do not become armchair executives.  Should the manager lose, he or she actually wins, as sales people produce well above their normal levels, attempting to win.  Should the manager win, he or she now has proof in the coaching and training they provide, and this will positively change the way the sales team performs over the long-term.  

Lead By Example
One of the main problems front-line sales managers have is that they usually do not demonstrate to the team that they can actually do what they teach and demand of the sales people.  Sales people are human and you cannot expect them to take everything completely on faith.

Often, when that supervisor demands, "You can and must make ten sales every week," some sales people are thinking, "Oh yeah?  Well if it's so easy, let's see you do it!"

To infuse real motivation and create a situation of true leadership, sales people need to see the techniques and tips they are taught actually work in real life, rather than just on chalk.  The front-line sales manager must be the field general and be able to lead the team by example.

Have a beat-the boss-week or a meet-the-manager-in-the-field-month, and motivate your sales teams to the next level!

Happy Selling!

Thanks to Sean McPheat / MTD Sales Training

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