Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Current State Of Telecommuting-Teleworking

Here's a shocker:

A new survey by CareerBuilder (as published by BNET) shows that nearly one in five of workers who say they are working from home spend one hour a day-or even less - actually working.

The good news?

Not everyone is being quite so lazy. Here's how many hours telecommuters claim to work:

  • 35% - eight or more hours a day
  • 40% - four to seven hours a day
  • 8% - one to less than four hours a day
  • 17% - one hour or less a day

What (besides the obvious) is wrong with this picture?

This stunning amount of loafing implies that a whole lot of employees are being evaluated based on face time rather than productivity–a huge management problem in itself–and that they simply don't have enough work to do.

A fluke in the survey? The CareerBuilder numbers, believe it or not, actually show a more diligent workforce than a similar survey conducted in 2007. While this year 35% of telecommuters put in eight hours a day or more, in 2007 just 18 percent did.

So, what to do about the situation?

  • If you're working less than an hour a day and claiming to work from home, I don't think any amount of tips are going to help. You either don't care about your job, you're working the side hustle, you're crazy lazy, and/or you're incredibly poorly managed. Honesty? Integrity? Fagetabouit.
For the rest of us, who are trying to make telecommuting/teleworking - actually work, here are some tips to keep it going. 
  • Keep a normal morning routine. Shower, have breakfast and put on decent clothes, just as if you were going to the office. Work where you're least likely to be distracted.
  • Stay connected to your colleagues. Learn to use the tools - instant messaging, texting, Skype, FuzeMeeting - whatever tools that connect you and your work with others. Learn to use them and make them part of your daily routine.

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